Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Love endures.

I saw a man begging for money today. And I don't care what people will say about homeless people and beggars; but when you truly have nothing, I believe you count your blessings more than the average person. He waved as he walked the grass strip alongside the cars. He didn't even wince walking up to the last car, as I'm sure not every person he passed had a joyful response. He had collected money from two cars and he began to walk back to his belongings. As he returned, he blew two kisses to the sky and waved at every single car on the way to his things. It was the man that blew two kisses to God that made my day. I don't know what was going through his mind as he walked away with that money, but I know what I was thinking. If a man with much less than I had could be so joyful amidst his circumstances, why couldn't I? And, though, I didn't know his situation, I could just tell by his countenance that he was strong.

Yesterday, I heard someone mention love as though it was just a phase that I would grow out of. Then the thought crossed my mind that love is not a phase, it endures. I have learned that love is not just some puppy dog obsession and it is not temporary at all. It is something that takes time and precious care. It is something that lasts forever. And I hope that I don't just love with the intent to find love elsewhere down the road. It is not just a word to be "flung around". This doesn't just go for love between couples; it can be said about all love. Love is looking beyond faults. Love is sacrifice. To quote scripture: " Love is patient, love is kind." Love is more than words. And it never fails.


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