Friday, September 16, 2011

Can I have more of You?

How do I explain all of the things that have occurred in just the last month?

I have become carefree, when it comes to caring what people think; completely free of anxiety and nervousness.

I have experienced such amazing times of worship and witnessed such beautiful, precious, unrelenting hearts during this time. All of this reminding me the importance of giving Christ my all during worship and living a life of worship, giving Him my all, all the time! It's like a little analogy I heard tonight. If you don't stay faithful like a ticking clock, and instead stand there like an ornament when the time comes for God to use you, to check the clock's time; the opportunity may pass. Are you ready?

I have surrendered and let go of the worst part of my past.

I have openly shared the gospel with one of my friends and God completely took over. I was left content, knowing without a doubt that the Lord moved. Though he didn't choose to accept Christ right then and there, I was content knowing God had all control.

I watched as the community of believers on campus has grown closer.

With all of that said, you might as well erase all of the "I's", cause none of it was me. I give all of the credit and glory to Jesus Christ, my love and Savior.

Today I was able to talk with a friend about beliefs. And I was discouraged about how I dealt with the topics. But knowing that none of what I say will ever change his heart, but it is all the Holy Spirit when it comes to these things shows me that I have nothing to worry about. Praise the Lord, he walked away holding the Word and he's going to read it! And believe it or not, my friend understood that it would be the Word that spoke to him, if anything, not what I would say or anyone else's opinion on God. It has been so amazing the way that the Lord is working in my life and I am excited and left wanting more!