Monday, October 22, 2012

At the foundation of things there is love. It started when God created man in the garden and plowed on through the matters of sin and disobedience. Though Adam and Eve chose to go against God, He wasn't through with them.

He had a plan devised for salvation; a perfect plan that would prove His unfailing love. He mirrored His love for His people in fellowship and the unity of marriage.
{All these reminders of His Great love for us.}
Ultimately, He sent His one and only Son to die and then be raised in order to redeem and retrieve His bride.

We love because He first loved us. The love that He showed to us as He led us through the desert, continuously showed us compassion, and in giving us the ability to come to Him. Even after He flooded the Earth, He sent us a rainbow as a promise of His love. The very act of baptism, being like the flood, washing away sin and bringing new life. Yet, if the beautiful display of a band of colors in the sky were not enough,  He sent His Son. And, though the association with the cross, at the time, was no beautiful thing; God took on our sin and shame, conquering death once and for all.

After what should've meant death to all, the sin of one man, came redemption. Through the sacrifice and life of one the sins of many were washed away.

God is love. At the foundation of it all is love. 
Love came for all...
that we may have life.
Just as He is love, we must be love; salt and light to a world that is hungry, lost and broken.


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